I'm with the Mayor, The jobless rate for Asians is 5.9 percent (not seasonally adjusted), compared to whites (7.2 percent), blacks (14.1 percent), and Hispanics (10.2 percent) little changed from a year earlier. eNuff Said!"City education officials, as well as Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, have rejected the idea that the one-test entry system should be rethought. “You pass the test,” the mayor said last month, “you get the highest score, you get into the school — no matter what your ethnicity, no matter what your economic background is.”The city began offering a free test-prep program several years ago for black and Hispanic students, but after a legal challenge, other ethnic groups were granted the same access to the course. Today, 43 percent of the students in the program are Asian. Three years ago, Ting Shi was one of them."
A Disparity in Top Public High Schools
Fewer than 1 in 7 public school students in New York City are Asians, but they earn a majority of seats at four elite high schools. Related Article »
Asians’ Success in High School Admissions Tests Seen as Issue by Some - NYTimes.com